" Freely you have received, freely give " (Matthew 10:8)


 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds
(The New Life Missions Ministry News)

Below is the comments of shepherds on the newest messages visitors and coworkers have written on our homepage: replies on the three questions to be accepted to be a coworker and testimonials or news from our co-workers around the world. In order to protect their personal information, we cant post their original messages. Please try to understand that we only post the words from shepherds. These comments will be updated several times a week. Through this page, I hope you will unit yourself to the ministry of The New Life Mission, give thanks to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with us, and pray for our ministry.

April 9th, 2010 Friday

10800th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We believe that the Lord who allowed you to hear the gospel of the water and the Spirit is the blessing and power of God. All these blessings are given through the righteousness of Jesus, who took away all the sins of people by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Why did today’s church go wrong and have no part with God? It is because Christian leaders have been feeding their greed, not knowing the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Those who do not know the gospel of the water and the Spirit cannot help but sin, and need the gospel of the water and the Spirit that contains the righteousness of God. For this reason, they should thank God for granting them the blessing to be the preachers of the Truth, by saving them from all sins through His baptism, blood and resurrection, and making them free from sins forever.

10801st posting Ethiopia
The message from Ethiopia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank God for allowing you to share the spiritual food with others in Ethiopia. God pays special attention and gives grace and blessings to evangelists who give out the bread of life. In this perishing world, so many people are living with sins intact in their heart. That is why we preachers must preach the gospel Truth of the water and the Spirit in season and out of season. We want to find out if it is suitable for you to translate our books. Unfortunately, there are not brailled books ready. We will pray that God will raise His workers to do the job. He wants to bear much fruit through all of us.

10802nd posting USA
The message from USA is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
God so loved the world and sent His Son, Jesus Chris to this earth, and Jesus Christ took away all the sins of the world by baptism, paid the penalty for sins on the Cross and saved us from all sins. Heaven opens doors to only those who receive the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. That is why we should preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit to the entire world.

10803rd posting USA
The message from USA is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank the Lord for saving you from all sins by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ is the essential Truth in saving us from all the sins of the world. The Word of God states that the water, the blood and the Spirit agree as one (1 John 5:7), and there is also an antitype which now saves us-baptism (1 Peter 3:21). This Truth of salvation is the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and we must not leave anything out or add anything to this. Anyone who believes only part of this cannot receive salvation. Why did Jesus, the Lamb of God receive baptism from John the Baptist? He did so to take away the sin of the world. When Jesus came to be baptized by John the Baptist, He said, “It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness” (Mathew 3:15). And then He was baptized by John the Baptist. In other words, to fulfill all righteousness means to take away all the sins of the world. The Lord took away the sin of the world and the sins of those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The Lord received the baptism from John to cleanse us from sins forever. John the Baptist was the servant whom God had prepared before the birth of Jesus Christ, and the greatest man among those born of women, the representative of the world. However, too many Christians are blind to see the reason why Jesus had to be baptized. To these people, the Truth of salvation through the water (baptism of Jesus), the blood (death of Jesus on the Cross) and the resurrection must be preached again.

10804th posting Martinique
The message from Martinique is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Living as God’s children in the sin-prevailing world is the power of gospel of the water and the Spirit. Those who do not believe in the gospel Truth that Jesus took away the sins of all men throughout life by receiving the baptism from John the Baptist and dying on the Cross cannot earn salvation. Sinners cannot serve the righteousness of God even if they want to. Only those who received the remission of sin by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit can preach the gospel to the entire world. Therefore, we, who have become righteous, have the responsibility to preach the Truth. You should understand that God remitted your sins in order for you to help God save everyone in the world.

10805th posting USA
The message from USA is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank the Lord for remitting your sins through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Now you have been born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and you are of the Spirit, not of the flesh even if you still have weaknesses. This means you can seek the desires of the Spirit, not the desires of the flesh. If no one preaches this gospel, how can people in the world hear and believe in the gospel? We, the righteous, must understand what pleases God as we lead our life of faith.

10806th posting USA
The message from USA is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Those who teach the Word of God partially- those who do not teach the divinity of Jesus or the Truth of salvation through His baptism, His blood and the resurrection -are spiritual frauds. We thank God for calling you out from the hands of such spiritual fraud to meet you, to save you and to adopt you as His child. By believing in this Truth, people become the righteous, and those who are born again can share this Truth with other people.

10807th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Spirit are one God. God so loved the world and planned the salvation; Jesus came to this earth according to God’s plan, and received the baptism from John the Baptist (the representative of all men), shed His blood on the Cross to pay the penalty for all sins; the Spirit comes into the hearts of those who have been cleansed from all sins, and witnesses to the Truth and helps the believers. We thank God for saving you from sins by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We pray that the Holy Spirit will help you keep this faith and witness to others.

10808th posting Cameroon
The message from Cameroon is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and preaching the righteousness of the Lord is the correct way to lead our life of faith. Such life is the most blessed life and we thank God for letting you live such a blessed life. As the Bible says “Every intent of the thoughts of men’s heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5), there is nothing good or righteous in us. Only by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the righteousness of God, we have become the righteous people and His disciples, and we do the good work of God by faith in this gospel. Every time we gather together, we will pray to God to bless your good work that you are doing by faith.

10809th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and God Himself who created the universe. He is the Savior who saved all men from sins by His baptism and His blood on the Cross. The world is overflowing with sins and this age is like the night before great storm. Therefore, the gospel of the water and the Spirit must be preached to the entire world as soon as possible. In such time as this, you are granted a special grace by God. Those who find favor of true salvation seek God’s will carefully. We will pray to God that you will follow and serve the gospel.

10810th posting Kenya
The message from Kenya is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Now you have a part with God since you have become God’s child who doesn’t commit sins that God is concerned about. We thank God for you. We are also thankful to God that you came to know the Church of God, and are receiving spiritual nourishment as a member of the flock. We acknowledge that only God is wise and righteous. We hope you will set aside your own thoughts and wisdom and live a life of saving souls following the guidance of the Church of God.

10811th posting Ghana
The message from Ghana is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
The gospel of the water and the Spirit is the life for all people. Therefore, understanding and believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit is a great blessing. For this reason, you should be strengthened in your faith by reading more books from the Church of God. Since every intent of our thoughts is only evil continually (Genesis 6:5), our flesh always likes to sin and seek sinful desires. That is why we acknowledge our wickedness and meditate the gospel of the water and the Spirit to follow the Lord with clean conscience by faith. We thank the Lord for saving you from all sins by the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

10812th posting Ethiopia
The message from Ethiopia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank God for saving you when you believed that Jesus took away all of your sins throughout life by the baptism from John the Baptist and took the penalty for sins on the Cross. As God separates sheep from goats based on the His Truth, God separated you, (who received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit) from the world and adopted you as His child. Man shall not live by the bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Mathew 4:4). From now on, you should live by the faith in the Word of God, and follow the will of God by carefully searching for God’s will. We believe God is pleased with you.

10813th posting India
The message from India is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank God for giving you the solid faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We receive salvation by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, acknowledging that we couldn’t avoid hell because of our insufficiencies and weaknesses as well as our sinful nature we were born with. People with grateful heart can follow the will of God and preach His gospel. We pray that God will give you such faith and mould you into a God-pleasing person who follows the steps of predecessors of your faith.

10814th posting Argentina
The message from Argentina is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
The Lord said that trees are known by their fruits. When we are found to be sinners after we put our faith in the Lord, we still need to believe in Jesus by understanding the righteousness of God. Otherwise, we are just sinners, and not of Jesus any more. We thank the Lord for visiting you with the Truth of His baptism and His blood, and for making your being born again as fruit of righteousness, not as fruit of sins.

10815th posting Slovakia
The message from Slovakia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Jesus came to this earth, clothed in human flesh to take away our sins. He is the Lord who understands our weaknesses. At the last supper with His disciples, He said to Peter as He washed his feet, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me” (John 13:8). Later Peter denied the Lord three times at the court as Jesus had predicted. Nevertheless, Peter became an apostle who preached the gospel of heaven by faith in God’s righteousness. We, too, are so weak and insufficient that we sin in our body even after we received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. However, by believing that Jesus cleansed ours sins completely by the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we have become righteous people, God’s children and preachers. We thank God for washing our sins clean.

10816th posting Peru
The message from Peru is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We are thankful to God that out of His great compassion, He remitted your sins through the gospel of the water and the Spirit and connected you to the workers in the Church of God. Even the children of God who have been born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit need to follow the guidance of the church because of the weaknesses and insufficiencies of the flesh. You also need the guidance. Fortunately, there is Church of God and guide for you. We thank God for leaders who can guide you.

10817th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Today’s church has become pseudo Christian church because they followed the example of Jeroboam. They only have the religious passion and faith in Jesus, without the knowledge of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Since Christian leaders are seeking wealth and honor, the Christianity turned into pseudo Christianity. But there are so many of them that they look like they are true Christians. Therefore, we, who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, must stand firm in our faith. Watch out for fraud and examine yourself whether you are following the fleshly desires. Now the gospel of the water and the Spirit is being spread to all over the world. The world is like a train heading to the cliff as the gospel of the water and the Spirit is being spread. We want you to have faith and hope in preaching the gospel.

10818th posting Argentina
The message from Argentina is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We believe serving the gospel of the Lord is God’s will, and God will bless you for serving God. We are so glad to hear that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is being spread to the indigenous people and the remission of sins is being fulfilled through your ministry. Our Lord said to us, “Freely you have received, and freely give” (Mathew 10:8). On the other hand, there are many people like Gehazi (in 2 Kings 5), a servant of Elisha, who healed commander Naaman’s leprosy. Even after they received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, they betray Jesus because of their love for the world. As Gehazi became leprous, those who betray the gospel of the water and the Spirit become sinners again. As for such people, the Book of Hebrews says, “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries”(Hebrews 10:26-27). The people you know will face God’s judgment. Therefore, we must put all our effort in serving God. We should serve the gospel of the water and the Spirit by steadfast faith in God’s righteousness.

10819th posting Uganda
The message from Uganda is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Jesus Christ is the Creator, who made the universe with God the Father. You need the faith that believes that Jesus Christ, the Son and God the Father agree as one. Jesus Christ, who is God Himself, came to this earth, took away the sins of the world through the baptism He received from John, paid the penalty for all sins on the Cross and saved all believers from sins. Then He rose again from the dead, and gave the eternal life to us, who believe in this Truth. To believe in God’s Word with understanding is the greatest blessing and grace. We thank God for granting you such a great blessing.

10820th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
God said, “Come now, and let us reason together. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are read like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). As God said, even people who have been born again after receiving the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, still sin in their body out of weaknesses. Just because we are insufficient in our body doesn’t mean we can’t come to the Lord’s presence; by faith that believes in the righteousness of the Lord, we can come to God’s presence. When we go to God, we should confess our sins, “Lord, I committed such and such sins,” and trust in His righteousness, which is the righteousness of God. True faith believes that Jesus received baptism from John the Baptist, went to the Cross and paid the penalty for sins. This is how we can follow the Lord by reflecting on the gospel Truth.

10821st posting Colombia
The message from Colombia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Every one receives the remission of sins by believing in the gospel Truth of the water and the Spirit. You should follow the Lord with this gospel. Otherwise, many people go to hell because of their sins. We hope you will preach the Truth of salvation and keep it by faith.

10822nd posting Germany
The message from Germany is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Whether we preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit with books or with lips, sharing with people is doing the good work of God. There is nothing virtuous than this. We pray that God will give you stronger faith and power to do the good work.

10823rd posting UK
The message from UK is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
God said in Leviticus 11 that animals that chew cud are clean. Likewise, you need to preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit repeatedly to people. So many people in the worldly church have been listening to false doctrines and misunderstand Jesus. That is why they need to hear the gospel of the water and the Spirit over and over again until their false doctrines collapse. Believing in the baptism of Jesus, His blood on the Cross and His resurrection is the only path to salvation and doing the work of God. We pray that God will help you and bless you in doing God’s work.

10825th posting Canada
The message from Canada is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
The requirement for God’s child and His worker is to receive the remission of sins by believing that Jesus took away all the sins of the world at the time of baptism from John the Baptist, that He carried the sins to the Cross and took the penalty for the sins, and that Jesus gave all the believers eternal life by rising again from the dead. Those who believe this can serve the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which is the righteousness of God. We are wondering if you have received the remission of sins by believing in this Truth.

10826th posting Gabon
The message from Gabon is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
In Leviticus 11, God said, “Among the animals, whatever divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud is clean” (Leviticus 11:3). ‘Having cloven hooves’ means living sanctified life from the world by the faith that believes in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. In other words, it means that the hearts of God’s children have become free of sins by the faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and left far away from sinners and sinful culture. Without this faith, we can’t do anything to serve God. Those who have been just born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit need to be fed the Word of God in the Church of God, and guided by predecessors. ‘Chewing cud’ means reflecting on the gospel of the water and the Spirit by admitting our weaknesses each time we sin. Therefore, those who believe in this Truth always live with clean conscience.

10827th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Jesus Christ-who is God Himself- and John the Baptist were God’s servants that God had prepared for salvation of human race. John the Baptist, in particular, was the high priest from heaven and the representative of human race; he passed the sin of the world to Jesus by baptizing Jesus Christ. He also served the ministry that testified Jesus Christ as God and the Savior of all men.

10828th posting Philippines
The message from Philippines is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Whenever we get together, we pray for the good work that our co-workers are doing through gospel books or direct preaching for the spread of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We believe that God hears you and answers your prayers. We, evangelists, preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit according to God’s will. Among those who hear the gospel of the water and the Spirit, some receive salvation by receiving the remission of sins by faith; others do not believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, but oppose it. We don’t know who will be saved. Nevertheless, our job as evangelists is to preach the gospel in every way. There are so many false Christians that the followers of the Truth may seem like heretics. Please remember that being persecuted for good work of God is a great blessing and yields more spiritual gains. We will pray for you.

10829th posting India
The message from India is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Many Christian leaders who are not born again teach and preach according their fleshly thoughts. Their religious teachings kill themselves as well as those who hear them. However, they can be saved by the Truth that Jesus took over all the sins through the baptism from John the Baptist, His blood on the Cross, and resurrection. We pray that God will protect you from evil ones and help you stand firm in the faith.

10830th posting USA
The message from USA is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We pray that God will bless everything you do for God.

10831th posting Mexico
The message from Mexico is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We should discern the gospel of Truth from false gospel by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and live by faith. To do so, we must have faith. When we preach the gospel Truth, we should make sure we don’t preach the gospel of the Cross only. You should realize that you have believed wrong doctrines from Satan -what you had believed as the gospel of salvation, and that your sins can be remitted by offering the prayers of repentance. You should teach faith through the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and tear down the wrong doctrines completely. Those who receive the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit must preach this Truth by faith. We pray that God will bless you.

10832th posting Germany
The message from Germany is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Preaching the gospel Truth to others is the first thing people want to do after they received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Weak as you are, you can help the spread of the gospel as much as you can, under the guidance of the Church of God, who shared the gospel with you. We thank God for giving you the faith to do God’s work.

10833th posting Ethiopia
The message from Ethiopia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
All people are born with sins from their parents and ancestors. That is why people always live with sins in their hearts. Everyone sins throughout his or her life. As a result, no one can avoid going to hell. Therefore, God had to save us from all sins, and Jesus, God’s Son, had to take away sins-from the sins of first man on earth to the sins of last person on earth) through the baptism from John the Baptist, the high priest from heaven and the representative of all men. John the Baptist passed all the sins of the world to Jesus by baptizing Jesus. And Jesus saved all believers of this Truth from all sins by taking up all the sins through the baptism and paying for the sins by shedding His blood on the Cross, according the law “wages of sin is death”. If you believe in this Truth, your sins have been taken away although you may sin in your flesh.

10834th posting Kenya
The message from Kenya is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Only the righteousness of God is righteous. The Holy Spirit comes into the sanctified hearts of those who received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

10835th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank God for letting you hear, understand and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the wondrous and powerful news.

10836th posting Colombia
The message from Colombia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Even those who have received salvation and have become righteous people by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit still sin in their flesh out of weaknesses. Therefore, we should admit our sins before God, reflect on the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and live a sin-free life by faith. For this reason, we praise the righteousness of the Lord out of grateful heart; we preach the Truth because it is too precious to keep to ourselves. We thank God for your faith and salvation.

10837th posting Brazil
The message from Brazil is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank God for saving you from all sins, allowing you to be born again and giving you the gift of the Holy Spirit as the seal for your sonship, when you believed in the baptism of Jesus Christ, His blood on the Cross and the His resurrection.

10838th posting Zimbabwe
The message from Zimbabwe is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Through the leaders in the Church of God, God will save whomever He wants to save, and He will curse whomever He wants to curse. Those who have pure and honest hearts will hear the gospel of the water and the Spirit and be saved from all sins by faith. However, those who are not pure or honest in their hearts will not put their faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit when they hear it. They cannot submit themselves to the law of God’s righteousness, because of their old religious faith they believed according to their fleshly thoughts. Therefore, they will go to hell while they are living under the curse, trapped in their sins. We thank the Lord who saved you from this sinful world by the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and allowed you to live for the righteousness of God.

10839th posting Togo
The message from Togo is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Happy are those who have become the children of God by receiving the remission of sins after believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Happier are those who have become God’s workers who are used in preaching the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We are the last runners who preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit to the entire world. We thank God for letting you live such righteous life.

10840th posting China
The message from China is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We believe that God prepares the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and gives you the faith and righteous mind in order to save you from sins.

10841st posting Romania
The message from Romania is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Mathew 5:4 says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Anyone who acknowledges their sins that will lead to condemnation of God and mourns for their sins will receive the remission of sins and comfort of salvation through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is also said, “Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Such people are not filled with the things in the world, and hunger for the righteousness of God. Such people can receive the kingdom of heaven by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We hope you will lead life of faith that follows the righteousness of Jesus Christ, your Master, now that you have been saved by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

10842nd posting Colombia
The message from Colombia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
From God’s point of view, you are free of sins since you believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. In other words, Jesus received baptism from John the Baptist to take away the sins of the world, and died with sins and rose again from the dead. If you live by the faith that believes in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, you will become an instrument of righteousness.

10843rd posting Kenya
The message from Kenya is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
You-who have received the remission of sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit that the Lord fulfilled once and for all-have become an instrument to save people from sins. Those who can preach the gospel Truth have significant roles before God. We know it is a great blessing before God. We pray that God will be with you in everything you do.

10844th posting Ethipoia
The message from Ethipoia is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
The gate for the evangelism has been opening all over the world, which is the work of God. Soon there won’t be any countries that have not heard of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We hope that God will quickly meet those who are poor in their spirits and hunger for God. We pray to the Lord that you will bear much spiritual fruit.

10845th posting Uganda
The message from Uganda is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
True repentance is turning away from the sinful ways and returning to the gospel of the water and the Spirit and receiving the remission of sins. Then they can be God’s people who are truly born again, and become true preachers. We thank God for allowing you to return to God.

10846th posting Togo
The message from Togo is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
John the Baptist, the representative of all men, and the high priest whom God had prepared, preached the righteousness of Jesus Christ. He is God’s servant who declared that Jesus took away the sins of the world when Jesus was baptized. You have received the remission of sins by understanding and believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Therefore, we too, should live a life of preacher like John the Baptist who witnessed to the salvation of Jesus Christ. We thank God for allowing you to understand this wondrous Truth of salvation and to put your faith in it.

10847th posting USA
The message from USA is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank God for saving you through the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and we pray that God will lead you to the Church of God so that you can keep following this gospel Truth. Today, most Christians do not know the Truth that all the sins of the world were taken away by Jesus Christ, at the time of baptism from John the Baptist. That is why they believe in only the blood on the Cross, not knowing the gospel of the water and the Spirit. They live a religious life with sins intact in their hearts, assuming that they must have been born again since they believe in Jesus. Therefore, we, who have become righteous by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, are spreading the gospel by handing out our gospel books to the world.

10848th posting China
The message from China is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
The gospel of the water and the Spirit is so wondrous, so truthful and so easy to believe in. So people with pure hearts receive the salvation once and for all, by believing in the gospel Truth that Jesus saved us from all sins by receiving baptism, dying on the Cross as penalty for sins, and rising again from the dead. However, some people would not believe in the gospel Truth of the water and the Spirit when they hear it. They refuse to believe in this gospel Truth because they want to satisfy their desires with their own thoughts, and the doctrines of their church. We thank God for meeting you, for giving you the pure heart so that you could believe in this gospel Truth and receive eternal salvation from all sins, and for calling you to be God’s worker; whenever we get together, we pray to the Lord that God will help you .

10849th posting Germany
The message from Germany is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
We thank God for adopting you as His child, and giving you the blessing to preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We hope that God will give you the wisdom, the power, and health to your eyes and all the blessings you need to preach the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We are truly blessed people. Throughout the history, there hasn’t been anyone who preached the gospel Truth to as many people as we have. We are truly thankful to God. Your question for the good work of the Lord gives us so much pleasure.

10850th posting USA
The message from USA is skipped.

What the shepherd wants to tell the coworkers about this message
Those who received salvation by the faith that believes in the baptism of Jesus Christ, His cross, and resurrection, must live a life of preacher that gives God the glory. In other words, these people should witness to the great love by faith that believes in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We thank God for meeting you, remitting your sins and appointing you as a witness to the righteous law that God has fulfilled.

No Date Title
7 2010-04-09 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds 7
6 2010-04-02 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds 6
5 2010-03-26 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds 5
4 2010-03-10 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds 4
3 2010-03-08 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds 3
2 2010-03-07 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds 2
1 2010-03-06 Breaking Bread with the Shepherds 1

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