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English Edition #1
"Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?"

English 1(mp3 download)

English Edition #2
"Return to the gospel of the water and the Spirit"

English 2(mp3 download)

English Edition #3
"The Fail-safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit"

English 3(mp3 download)

Spanish Edition #1
"¿Realment has nacido de nuevo por agua y el Espíritu?"

Spanish 1(mp3 download)

Spanish Edition #2
"Regresa al evangelio del agua y del Espíritu"

Spanish 2(mp3 download)

Spanish Edition #3
"El Único Camino Infalible para Recibir el Espíritu Santo"

Spanish 3(mp3 download)

Portuguese Edition #1
"Você verdadeiramente nasceu de novo da água e do Espírito?"

Portuguese 1(mp3 download)

Portuguese Edition #2
"Retorne ao Evangelho da Água e do Espírito "

Portuguese 2(mp3 download)

Portuguese Edition #3
"O Modo seguro para você receber o Espírito Santo"

Portuguese 3(mp3 download)

French Edition #1
"Êtes-vous vraiment né de nouveau d'eau et d'Esprit?"

French 1(mp3 download)

French Edition #2
"Retournez à l'évangile de l'eau et de l'esprit"

French 2(mp3 download)

French Edition #3
"La Voie Fiable Pour Que Vous Receviez l'Esprit Saint"

French 3(mp3 download)

French Edition #5
"Notre SEIGNEUR Qui devient la Justice De DIEU (I)"

French 5(mp3 download)

German Edition #1
"Sind Sie wirklich wiedergeboren aus Wasser und Geist?"
Teil l – Predigten :
Predigt 1(mp3 download)
Predigt 2-3(mp3 download)
Predigt 4(mp3 download)
Predigt 5(mp3 download)
Predigt 6(mp3 download)
Predigt 7(mp3 download)
Predigt 8(mp3 download)

Teil 2 – Appendix :
1. Glaubensbekenntnis (mp3 download)
2. Zusatzerklärungen (mp3 download)
Chinese Edition #1
前言 (mp3 download)

第一部分: 布道 :
布道 1(mp3 download)
布道 2(mp3 download)
布道 3(mp3 download)
布道 4(mp3 download)
布道 5(mp3 download)
布道 6(mp3 download)
布道 7(mp3 download)
布道 8(mp3 download)

第二部分: 附录 :
1. 得救的见证 (mp3 download)
2. 补充解释 (mp3 download)
3. 问与答 (mp3 download)
Urdu Edition #1
"Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?"
Preface (mp3 download)

Part One -Sermons :
Chapter 1(mp3 download)
Chapter 2(mp3 download)
Chapter 3(mp3 download)
Chapter 4(mp3 download)
Chapter 5(mp3 download)
Chapter 6(mp3 download)
Chapter 7(mp3 download)
Chapter 8(mp3 download)

Part Two: Appendix :
1. Testimonies of Salvation (mp3 download)
2. Supplementary Explanation (mp3 download)
3. Questions & Answers (mp3 download)
Urdu Edition #11
"The Elementary Principles of CHRIST"
Preface (mp3 download)
Table of Contents (mp3 download)
The Analysis of the Apostles' Creed(mp3 download)

Confession of Faith in God the Father (mp3 download)
God's Name (mp3 download)
The Apostles' Creed and Its Blessings of Faith (mp3 download)
Who Are the Apostles?(mp3 download)
Qualifications and Duties of the Apostles (mp3 download)
Do Jews Believe in God as the Father of Creation? (mp3 download)

Confession of Faith in God the Son (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 1: Who Is Jesus Christ? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 2: What Do the Old Testament's Laying on of Hands and the New Testament's Baptism Mean? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 3: Why Did Christ Die Vicariously for Many? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 4: We Must Firmly Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 5: The Proof That Jesus Ascended to Heaven (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 6: The Lord Will Return as the Lord of Judgment (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 7: Who Will Be Subjected to Judgment? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 8: What Is the Faith That God Declares to Be Great? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 9: What Is the Gift That Moses Commanded as a Testimony? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Son 10: The Baptism of Jesus and the Remission of Sins (mp3 download)

Sermon on the Holy Spirit 1: How Can We Receive the Holy Spirit? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 2: "Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Believed?" (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 3: The Essential Qualification to Be the Apostles (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 4: When Does the Holy Spirit Come? (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 5: The Ministries of the Holy Spirit (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 6: Then You Shall Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 7: The Holy Spirit Fell upon the Gentiles (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 8: Test the Spirits to See Whether They Are from God (mp3 download)
Sermon on the Holy Spirit 9: The Spirit-filled Life (mp3 download)
The Faith in the Word of God Leads Us to the Spirit-filled Life (mp3 download)
Faith in the Holy Catholic Church (mp3 download)
Faith in the Communion of Saints (mp3 download)
Faith in the Forgiveness of Sins (1 John 1:9) (mp3 download)
Faith in the Resurrection of the Body (mp3 download)
Faith in the Everlasting Life (mp3 download)
Burmese Edition #1
"Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?"
Preface (mp3 download)

Part One -Sermons :
Chapter 1 Part1(mp3 download)
Chapter 1 Part2(mp3 download)
Chapter 2(mp3 download)
Chapter 3(mp3 download)
Chapter 4(mp3 download)
Chapter 5(mp3 download)
Chapter 6(mp3 download)
Chapter 7(mp3 download)
Chapter 8(mp3 download)

Part Two: Appendix :
1. Testimonies of Salvation (mp3 download)
2. Supplementary Explanation (mp3 download)
3. Questions & Answers (mp3 download)
Burmese Edition #2
Preface (mp3 download)

Chapter 1 (mp3 download)
Chapter 2(mp3 download)
Chapter 3(mp3 download)
Chapter 4(mp3 download)
Chapter 5(mp3 download)
Chapter 6(mp3 download)
Chapter 7(mp3 download)
Chapter 8(mp3 download)



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