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 Book reviews

Video Book Reviews by Coworkers
The Gospel of Water & the Spirit: The Eternal Atonement.
- Roshan Rai
The Gospel of Water & The Spirit: The very real thing of shadow of good things to come.
- Roshan Rai
Sermons on the book of Romans
- vijay santosh
We Must First Know about Our Sins to be Redeemed ( Main Episode)
- Jerry Sakala
Have you Truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit
- Jerry Sakala
Free Christian Book Review "The Tabernacle"
- Pastor Stephen benjamin
Have you Truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit Written By Rev. Paul C. Jong
- Pastor Jim Montgomerie
Free Christian Books on how to become Born Again by the water and the Spirit
- Phil Grahn
Book review on 'A fail-safe way for you to receive the Holy Spirit'
- Pastor Stephen benjamin
The Era of the Black Horse is drawing to an end
- Pastor Jim Montgomerie
Free Christian Books. By Rev. Paul C. Jong. Return to the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit
- Pastor Jim Montgomerie
- Roshan Rai
Free Christian book www.bjnewlife.info New Life Mission Pakistan
- Pastor Stephen benjamin
- Roshan Rai
"Thank you for writing this."

Lawrence Bergeron, USA

The book gives insight on how Jesus was baptized with water blood and spirit and withen that action he took away the sins of the world and gave us the gift of salvation thur faith and believeing that Jesus is our Savior and king and he died for us so that we too can enter into God kingdom with the action of basptism and strong Faith and Love for him and one another, this is a very basic summery for if i would to comprise everything in this great book you wrote it would be many many pages again thank you for writing this. Lawrence Bergeron, USA


People who have read our books have sent the following reviews. It is our hope that through them, you would all share with each other the grace of God that has enabled us to be born again of water and the Spirit.

No Subjects Country Reader's Name Touched Views Date
960 pedir livro Chile gabens gerve 262 1009 2017-09-29
959 Blessings Pakistan Moon sahotra 247 901 2017-09-22
958 Newlife@bjnewlife.org Kenya Samuel m. Ndamai 246 916 2017-09-17
957 BOOKS AND GOSPEL Malawi Joshua Kanyika 252 916 2017-08-29
956 faithandknowledge.webstarts.com Italy Thomas Aquinas 253 866 2017-08-19
955 All English Edition Books India M.A.ISAAC 262 1028 2017-07-02
954 Book review-Have you been bo0rn again water&spirit India S.PANNER SELVAM 261 1021 2017-06-18
953 What required to be born Again India Shalom Lalditsak Ralsun 262 997 2017-06-11
952 Salvation Tanzania, United Republic of Peter Maselle 274 961 2017-06-02
951 The TABERNACLE: A Detailed Portrait of Jesus Christ (I) India MUKESH NAG 303 1110 2017-05-12
950 book 12 - When can a Christian have an intimate conversation with the Lord? United Kingdom BRYAN ROWE 298 1167 2017-04-04
949 Our view of Christianity Zambia Nachinga Malata 272 1063 2017-03-12
948 Recebi os livros pedido dentro do prazo indicado Brazil Jeremias Ribeiro 259 1038 2017-02-07
947 kuomba vitabu Tanzania, United Republic of Elisha Samweli 280 1188 2016-11-23
946 The Blessing & Giftd United States of America Charles Baldwin 315 1224 2016-09-24
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