In 1john 5:5-6 we have a chalenging question and an answer.
This quedtion is from the book titled ARE YOU TRUELY BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE spirit? The answer is very clear from scriptures. In John 3:3-5 Jesus ask nicodemus to be born of water and the spirit. In John 1:13 the bible says that we are not born of flesh but by God. In 1john 5:1-12 the bible says that Jesus came by water, blood and spirit. And when you believe in all the elements then you will overcome the world. We have victory because of these elements. In mark 16:15-16 Jesus said we have to preach the and baptize people with water. When we follow all of this then we are children of God. Romans 8:1-2 says that there is now thefore no more condemnation for any one in chtist Jesus because the law of the spirit has set us free from the law of sin and dead. And when we are in chtist Jesus, we now have the love of God as recorded in 1corinthians 13:1-3. No one can try to overcome the world without the love of God. And to have this fellowship, we must believe in his blood, baptism and his death on the cross that gave us victory.